Yamaha WaveBlaster Front Sponsons


Front Sponsons with mimic bond flange for the Yamaha Wave Blaster.


 These front sponsons for the Yamaha Waveblaster offer improved turning grip, better stability in a straight line and very important improved stability when leaning over in a turn. These HFC sponsons are tough and durable and comes with a flat black finish to grip the water better than the competition. The kit includes 8 stainless steel screws for each side and a tube of silicone to attach it to the outside. This process has proven to be the easiest and most effective way to install front sponsons. Race proven, designed by the pros (like Tommy “the bomber” Bonacci), built to evolve your style.

What You Need to Know:

  • For the warranty, you need to install this product with our approved silicone. Apply silicone to all the edges and wipe off any excess from the surface of the product after installation. Smooth out any excess silicone along the edges as well. Allow the silicone 24 hours to cure.


  • This product fits just about any ski!
  • What is included: Front sponsons, silicone tube, and mounting screws
  • Installation time: 1+ hours

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  • What’s the difference between the HFC and fiberglass sponsons you offer?
    Our HFC front sponsons are more cost-effective and are more durable compared to the fiberglass. Style and performance has not changed so you know you are guaranteed reliability. These sponsons will fit just about any ski too while the fiberglass are preformed to a specific ski.
  • Do the PWR sponsons make the difference?
    Yes, these are not another copy of someone’s design. This product was made by the Pros that demanded more stability and grip. We have seen this same design helps all rider levels to evolve their style and performance.
  • Are these front sponsons paintable?
    Yes. We recommend keeping the surface a matte / flat finish to keep the handling of the sponsons predictable. A lot of the performance comes from the standard flat finish on our sponsons.
  • Is this part legal to race with?
    You will need to check the rules from your racing organization to verify if this part is legal for competition. ProWatercraft takes no responsibility if you are disqualified from this part breaking any racing organization rules.

Additional information

Weight 12 lbs
Dimensions 42 × 4 × 3 in



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