Pro Watercraft releases new Kawasaki SC ride plate

Over the last year the old school Kawasaki SC has risen in popularity, and these “Chickens” are literally multiplying. By popular demand, we are pleased to announce the release of a Pro Watercraft HFC ride plate for the Kawasaki SC.

The SC is one of the most iconic novelty skis in the sport. It’s two-seater side by side set up is a lot like a Go Kart. Making it easy to cruise with your friends. However, it is notorious for handling poorly. It’s bulky size and slower motor make the ski sluggish, and prone to hopping in any conditions.

Our lead designer, Chris Hagest is a big fan of the Super Chicken, and wanted to make some affordable piece to really make the Chicken….. fly.

After the release of the pump tunnel stuffer for the Super Chicken was a massive success, we were swarmed by riders looking for a ride plate. Hagest set out  to make one.

The Pro Watercraft ride plate for the Kawasaki SC is designed for better drive and rear grip. This will help keep your chicken glued down in the turns and help keep it from losing speed in the corners.

The ride plate is made from our hybrid-flex composite (HFC), making it very sturdy and durable in all conditions. If you pair our HFC ride plate with the pump tunnel stuffer, you will see top speed gains (1-2 mph), as well as better drive and grip overall.

This set up is sure to elevate the performance of your ride, as well as increase the shenanigans.

To see more info and images of the Pro Watercraft HFC Kawasaki SC rideplate, click here.

To get a Pro Watercraft “SuperFink” Super Chicken tee, click here.

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