At Pro Watercraft, we are in constant pursuit of evolution. Through testing and development, we are always working to introduce new designs and technology to further elevate your ride. That’s why we came up with the Always Evolving Warranty program.
If you picked up a new Pro Watercraft product, and not long after that we unveiled an updated version, we want you to have the option to get your hands on the newer version. This policy allows some Pro Watercraft HFC products to be exchanged for updated versions. Make sure you read the details, as this warranty does not apply to all products.
Due to our dedication to evolving and creating new products, we are proud to have our Always Evolving Warranty.
This warranty is tailored for our new product releases.
In the event that you purchased a Pro Watercraft HFC product within 2 months of a new version being released, we will exchange your original product for the newer version.
This policy will only apply under the following conditions:
- Original purchase must be directly from Pro Watercraft.
- Purchase of original product must be within 2 months of the new version release.
- Must submit for exchange within one month of the new version release.
- Must provide original order receipt.
- Must provide images to prove the item is not damaged or broken.
- Must pay for return shipping.
- Must pay difference in product (if necessary).
- Product release will state whether or not the Always Evolving Warranty applies. Some products may be excluded due to age or install.
For more details on our warranties or exchange policies, click here.