Kawasaki SXR800 Wedge Rear Sponsons

The water flowing around the hull leads up into and cavitates at the bond flange. This sudden stopping force slows down your ski 1-2 MPH! A cheap, but destructive, way would be to permanently grind out the bond flange but this looks bad. Not to mention you don’t want to ruin your nice ski. But we have designed an easy to install product with handling gains.

With the SXR800 Wedge Rear Sponsons, these bolt up into the bond flange requiring only removing 4 total rivets for a clean, professional finish. The wedge flows water over the bond flange gaining the 1-2 MPH along with improving rear grip with the integrated rear sponson edge. The silicone you use will seal the sponsons to the hull and keep the warranty valid for the lifetime of your sponsons.

SXR800 Wedge Rear Sponsons

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